This section contains all the basic information that contractors will need to write a status report.
Essential tools
- Data Sensitive Species Reporting Sheet (Word .doc file - 43 kB)
- Status Report Formatting Template (including Technical Summary)
- Rapid Review of Classification (RRoC) Formatting Template (Word .docx file - 28 kB)
- Status Appraisal Summary (SAS) Formatting Template (Word .docx file - 33 kB)
- Instructions for the Preparation of COSEWIC Status Reports
- Required contacts for information on wildlife species
- Contact Tracking Sheet (Word .doc file - 18.9 kB - download and submit with draft status report)
- Addendum Formatting Template (Word .doc file - 99 kB
Supporting documents
- Definitions and Abbreviations
- Guidelines for Recognizing Designatable Units
- Guidelines for use of the Index of Area of Occupancy in COSEWIC Assessment
- COSEWIC Guidelines on Manipulated Wildlife Species
- COSEWIC Guidelines for Naming Wildlife Species
- COSEWIC Guidelines Concerning Sensitive Information
- Presenting Population Viability Analyses in COSEWIC Status Reports Overview and Standards
- Conducting and Incorporating a Threats Classification and Assessment Calculator into the COSEWIC Status Report
- COSEWIC Contract Clauses Pertaining to Intellectual Property and Moral Rights