COSEWIC status report in preparation with anticipated assessment dates

Last updated December 5, 2024

This table lists the current stage of development for each status report. The table is sorted by expected date of species assessment. The assessment date for any wildlife species may change for a variety of reasons. Please check this list frequently if you use this information in your work.

Taxonomic group Common name Scientific name Last assessment Stage of current assessment Canadian range / known or potential jurisdictions 1

April 2025 (22) wildlife species

Arthropods Macropis Cuckoo Bee Epeoloides pilosulus Endangered May 2011 Initial report in preparation (Supporting information (no report)) AB, CWS, MB, NS, ON, Parks, QC, SK
Birds Snowy Owl Bubo scandiacus Not at Risk April 1995 Revision to final report (Fully Updated Report) AB, ARRC, BC, CMN, CRRC, CTRRC, CWS, DDRRC, DKRRC, GRRB, HFTCC, IGC, LRRC, MB, MDRRC, NB, NL, NS, NT, NU, NWC, NWMB, NYRRC, ON, Parks, PE, QC, SK, SRRB, SRRC, TRRC, TWPCB, WMAC-NS, WMAC-NWT, WRRB, YFWMB, YT
Echinodermata (ad hoc) Sunflower Sea Star Pycnopodia helianthoides Not applicable Revision to final report (Unsolicited Report ) BC, CMN, CWS, DFO, MNJFC, NJFMC, NWC, Parks, Pacific Ocean, TAJFC, TWJFC
Freshwater fishes Bull Trout (South Coast British Columbia Population) Salvelinus confluentus Special Concern November 2012 Revision to final report (Fully Updated Report) BC, CWS, DFO, Parks
Freshwater fishes Bull Trout (Upper Yukon River Population) Salvelinus confluentus Data Deficient November 2012 Revision to final report (Fully Updated Report) BC, CWS, DFO, Parks, YT
Freshwater fishes Bull Trout (Saskatchewan-Nelson Population) Salvelinus confluentus Threatened November 2012 Revision to final report (Fully Updated Report) AB, CWS, DFO, Parks
Freshwater fishes Bull Trout (Pacific Population) Salvelinus confluentus Not at Risk November 2012 Revision to final report (Fully Updated Report) BC, CWS, DFO, Parks
Freshwater fishes Bull Trout (Western Arctic Population) Salvelinus confluentus Special Concern November 2012 Revision to final report (Fully Updated Report) AB, BC, CWS, DFO, GRRB, NJFMC, NT, Parks, SRRB, YFWMB, YT
Freshwater fishes Pugnose Minnow Opsopoeodus emiliae Threatened May 2012 Revision to initial report (Fully Updated Report) CWS, DFO, ON, Parks
Lichens Cupped Fringe Lichen Heterodermia hypoleuca Not applicable Revision to initial report (New Report) CMN, CWS, NB, ON, Parks, QC
Lichens Pale-bellied Frost Lichen Physconia subpallida Endangered November 2009 Revision to final report (Fully Updated Report) CMN, CWS, NB, ON, Parks, QC
Marine fishes Greenland Shark Somniosus microcephalus Not applicable Revision to final report (New Report) Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, CMN, CWS, DFO, HFTCC, NB, NL, NMRWB, NS, NU, NWMB, Parks, PE, QC, TJFB
Molluscs Big-tooth Whitelip Neohelix dentifera Not applicable Revision to final report (New Report) CMN, CWS, ON, Parks, QC
Molluscs Boreal Awningclam Petrasma borealis Not applicable Revision to final report (New Report) Atlantic Ocean, CMN, CWS, DFO, NB, NL, NS, Parks
Molluscs Liard Hot Springs Snail Physella wrighti Not applicable Revision to final report (Fully Updated Report) BC, CMN, CWS, DFO, Parks
Molluscs Northern Abalone Haliotis kamtschatkana Endangered April 2009 Revision to final report (Fully Updated Report) BC, CMN, CWS, DFO, MNJFC, NJFMC, Parks, Pacific Ocean, TAJFC, TWJFC
Molluscs Western Ridged Mussel Gonidea angulata Endangered November 2010 Revision to final report (Fully Updated Report) BC, CMN, CWS, DFO, Parks
Mosses Roell's Brotherella Moss Brotherella roellii Endangered November 2010 Revision to final report (Fully Updated Report) BC, CMN, CWS, Parks, TWJFC
Reptiles Massasauga (Carolinian population) Sistrurus catenatus Endangered November 2012 Revision to initial report (Fully Updated Report) CMN, CWS, ON, Parks
Reptiles Massasauga (Great Lakes / St. Lawrence population) Sistrurus catenatus Threatened November 2012 Revision to initial report (Fully Updated Report) CMN, CWS, ON, Parks
Reptiles Snapping Turtle Chelydra serpentina Special Concern November 2008 Initial report in preparation (Addendum) CMN, CWS, MB, NB, NS, ON, Parks, QC, SK
Vascular plants Round-leaved Greenbrier (Great Lakes Plains Population) Smilax rotundifolia Threatened November 2007 Revision to initial report (Fully Updated Report) CMN, CWS, ON, Parks

November 2025 (43) wildlife species

Arthropods [a darkling beetle] Ephalus latimanus Not applicable Initial report in preparation (New Report) CWS, Parks
Arthropods Large-lipped Sand Beetle Omophron labiatum Not applicable Initial report in preparation (New Report) CWS, NS, Parks
Arthropods Sable Island Bordered Apamea Apamea sordens sableana Not applicable Initial report in preparation (New Report) CMN, CWS, NS, Parks
Arthropods Sable Island Cutworm Moth Agrotis arenarius Not applicable Initial report in preparation (New Report) CWS, NS, Parks
Arthropods Sable Island Eucosma Eucosma sableana Not applicable Initial report in preparation (New Report) CWS, NS, Parks
Arthropods Sable Island Leaf Beetle Tricholochmaea sablensis Not applicable Initial report in preparation (New Report) CWS, NS, Parks
Arthropods White-marked Tussock Moth (Sable Island spp.) Orgyia leucostigma sablensis Not applicable Initial report in preparation (New Report) CWS, Parks
Lichens Blue Felt Lichen Pectenia plumbea Special Concern November 2010 Revision to final report (Fully Updated Report) CMN, CWS, NB, NL, NS, Parks, PE
Lichens Oldgrowth Specklebelly Pseudocyphellaria rainierensis Special Concern April 2010 Revision to initial report (Fully Updated Report) BC, CMN, CWS, Parks
Lichens Western Waterfan Peltigera gowardii Special Concern November 2013 Initial report in preparation (Supporting information (no report)) BC, CMN, CWS, Parks
Marine fishes Atlantic Salmon (Nunavik population) Salmo salar Data Deficient November 2010 Revision to final report (Fully Updated Report) Atlantic Ocean, CMN, CWS, DFO, HFTCC, NL, NMRWB, Parks, QC, TJFB, TWPCB
Marine fishes Atlantic Salmon (Northern Labrador population) Salmo salar Not at Risk November 2010 Revision to final report (Supporting information (no report)) Atlantic Ocean, CWS, DFO, NL, Parks, QC, TJFB
Marine fishes Atlantic Salmon (Northeast Newfoundland population) Salmo salar Not at Risk November 2010 Revision to final report (Supporting information (no report)) Atlantic Ocean, CMN, CWS, DFO, NL, Parks
Marine fishes Atlantic Salmon (South Newfoundland population) Salmo salar Threatened November 2010 Revision to final report (Supporting information (no report)) Atlantic Ocean, CMN, CWS, DFO, NL, Parks
Marine fishes Atlantic Salmon (Southwest Newfoundland population) Salmo salar Not at Risk November 2010 Revision to final report (Supporting information (no report)) Atlantic Ocean, CMN, CWS, DFO, NL, Parks, QC
Marine fishes Atlantic Salmon (Northwest Newfoundland population) Salmo salar Not at Risk November 2010 Revision to final report (Supporting information (no report)) Atlantic Ocean, CMN, CWS, DFO, NL, Parks
Marine fishes Atlantic Salmon (Quebec Eastern North Shore population) Salmo salar Special Concern November 2010 Revision to final report (Supporting information (no report)) Atlantic Ocean, CMN, CWS, DFO, Parks, QC
Marine fishes Atlantic Salmon (Quebec Western North Shore population) Salmo salar Special Concern November 2010 Revision to final report (Supporting information (no report)) Atlantic Ocean, CMN, CWS, DFO, Parks, QC
Marine fishes Atlantic Salmon (Anticosti Island population) Salmo salar Endangered November 2010 Revision to final report (Supporting information (no report)) Atlantic Ocean, CMN, CWS, DFO, Parks, QC
Marine fishes Atlantic Salmon (Inner St. Lawrence population) Salmo salar Special Concern November 2010 Revision to final report (Supporting information (no report)) Atlantic Ocean, CMN, CWS, DFO, Parks, QC
Marine fishes Atlantic Salmon (Gaspe-Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population) Salmo salar Special Concern November 2010 Revision to final report (Supporting information (no report)) Atlantic Ocean, CMN, CWS, DFO, NB, NS, Parks, PE, QC
Marine fishes Atlantic Salmon (Eastern Cape Breton population) Salmo salar Endangered November 2010 Revision to final report (Supporting information (no report)) Atlantic Ocean, CMN, CWS, DFO, NS, Parks
Marine fishes Atlantic Salmon (Nova Scotia Southern Upland East population) Salmo salar Endangered November 2010 Revision to final report (Supporting information (no report)) Atlantic Ocean, CMN, CWS, DFO, NS, Parks
Marine fishes Atlantic Salmon (Outer Bay of Fundy population) Salmo salar Endangered November 2010 Revision to final report (Supporting information (no report)) Atlantic Ocean, CMN, CWS, DFO, NB, Parks
Marine fishes Atlantic Salmon (Lake Ontario population) Salmo salar Extinct November 2010 Revision to final report (Supporting information (no report)) CWS, DFO, ON, Parks
Marine fishes Atlantic Salmon (Inner Bay of Fundy population) Salmo salar Endangered November 2010 Revision to final report (Supporting information (no report)) Atlantic Ocean, CMN, CWS, DFO, NB, NS, Parks
Marine mammals Bowhead Whale (Eastern Canada-West Greenland population) Balaena mysticetus Special Concern April 2009 Revision to final report (Supporting information (no report)) Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, CWS, DFO, EMRWB, HFTCC, NL, NMRWB, NU, NWMB, Parks, QC, TJFB, TWPCB
Marine mammals Bowhead Whale (Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort population) Balaena mysticetus Special Concern April 2009 Revision to final report (Fully Updated Report) Arctic Ocean, CWS, DFO, FJMC, IGC, NT, NWMB, Parks, Pacific Ocean, WMAC-NS, WMAC-NWT, YT
Molluscs Bronze Pinecone Strobilops aeneus Not applicable Revision to final report (Fully Updated Report) CMN, CWS, ON, Parks
Molluscs Globose Dome Ventridens ligera Not applicable Revision to initial report (New Report) CMN, CWS, ON, Parks
Molluscs Pyramid Dome Ventridens intertextus Not applicable Revision to initial report (New Report) CMN, CWS, ON, Parks
Molluscs Wavy-rayed Lampmussel Lampsilis fasciola Special Concern April 2010 Revision to initial report (Fully Updated Report) CMN, CWS, DFO, ON, Parks
Mosses Haller's Apple Moss Bartramia halleriana Threatened November 2011 Initial report in preparation (Fully Updated Report) AB, BC, CWS, Parks
Reptiles Eastern Musk Turtle Sternotherus odoratus Special Concern November 2012 Revision to final report (Status Appraisal Summary) CWS, ON, Parks, QC
Reptiles Loggerhead Sea Turtle Caretta caretta Endangered April 2010 Revision to final report (Status Appraisal Summary) Atlantic Ocean, CMN, CWS, DFO, NB, NL, NS, Parks, PE
Reptiles Northern Map Turtle Graptemys geographica Special Concern November 2012 Revision to final report (Status Appraisal Summary) CMN, CWS, ON, Parks, QC
Terrestrial mammals American Badger jacksoni subspecies Taxidea taxus jacksoni Endangered November 2012 Revision to initial report (Fully Updated Report) CWS, ON, Parks
Terrestrial mammals American Badger jeffersonii subspecies (Eastern population) Taxidea taxus jeffersonii Endangered November 2012 Revision to initial report (Fully Updated Report) BC, CWS, Parks
Terrestrial mammals American Badger jeffersonii subspecies (Western population) Taxidea taxus jeffersonii Endangered November 2012 Revision to initial report (Fully Updated Report) BC, CWS, Parks
Terrestrial mammals American Badger taxus subspecies Taxidea taxus taxus Special Concern November 2012 Revision to initial report (Fully Updated Report) AB, CMN, CWS, MB, ON, Parks, SK
Terrestrial mammals Grizzly Bear (Western population) Ursus arctos Special Concern May 2012 Revision to initial report (Fully Updated Report) AB, ARRC, BC, CMN, CRRC, CTRRC, CWS, DDRRC, DKRRC, FJMC, GRRB, HFTCC, IGC, LRRC, MB, MDRRC, NJFMC, NT, NU, NWC, NWMB, NYRRC, Parks, SRRB, SRRC, TAJFC, TJFB, TRRC, TWJFC, TWPCB, WMAC-NS, WMAC-NWT, WRRB, YFWMB, YT
Vascular plants Illinois Tick-trefoil Desmodium illinoense Extirpated May 2000 Revision to initial report (Fully Updated Report) CMN, CWS, ON, Parks
Vascular plants Pale Evening-primrose Oenothera pallida pallida Not applicable Initial report in preparation (Fully Updated Report) BC, CMN, CWS, Parks

April 2026 (9) wildlife species

Birds Golden-winged Warbler Vermivora chrysoptera Threatened April 2006 Initial report in preparation (Fully Updated Report) CWS, MB, ON, Parks, QC, SK
Lichens Crumpled Tarpaper Lichen Collema coniophilum Threatened November 2010 Revision to initial report (Fully Updated Report) BC, CMN, CWS, Parks
Lichens Eastern Waterfan Peltigera hydrothyria Threatened November 2013 Revision to initial report (Supporting information (no report)) CMN, CWS, NB, NS, Parks, QC
Molluscs Ashy Pebblesnail Fluminicola fuscus Not applicable Initial report in preparation (New Report) BC, CMN, CWS, Parks
Mosses (common name not available) Apotreubia hortoniae Not applicable Initial report in preparation (New Report) BC, CWS, Parks
Mosses Fan Moss Forsstroemia trichomitria Not applicable Initial report in preparation (New Report) CWS, ON, Parks
Terrestrial mammals Plains Bison Bison bison bison Threatened November 2013 Initial report in preparation (Fully Updated Report) AB, BC, CWS, GRRB, MB, Parks, SK, SRRB, WMAC-NS, WMAC-NWT, WRRB, YFWMB
Terrestrial mammals Wood Bison Bison bison athabascae Special Concern November 2013 Initial report in preparation (Supporting information (no report)) AB, BC, CWS, NT, Parks, WMAC-NS, WRRB, YFWMB, YT
Vascular plants Beach Pinweed Lechea maritima Special Concern April 2008 Initial report in preparation (Fully Updated Report) CWS, NB, Parks, PE

November 2026 (5) wildlife species

Birds Bermuda Petrel Pterodroma cahow Not applicable Initial report in preparation (Fully Updated Report) Atlantic Ocean, CMN, CWS, NS, Parks
Birds Rufous Hummingbird Selasphorus rufus Not applicable Initial report in preparation (Fully Updated Report) AB, BC, CMN, CWS, Parks, YT
Terrestrial mammals Caribou (Central Mountain population) Rangifer tarandus Endangered May 2014 Initial report in preparation (Fully Updated Report) AB, BC, CWS, Parks
Terrestrial mammals Caribou (Northern Mountain population) Rangifer tarandus Special Concern May 2014 Initial report in preparation (Fully Updated Report) BC, CWS, GRRB, NT, Parks, SRRB, YFWMB, YT
Terrestrial mammals Caribou (Southern Mountain population) Rangifer tarandus Endangered May 2014 Initial report in preparation (Fully Updated Report) AB, BC, CWS, Parks

Report production stopped (13) wildlife species2

Arthropods Leadplant Flower Moth Schinia lucens Not applicable Revision to initial report (Supporting information (no report)) CMN, CWS, MB, Parks
Freshwater fishes Atlantic Sturgeon (St. Lawrence populations) Acipenser oxyrinchus Threatened May 2011 Revision to initial report (Supporting information (no report)) Atlantic Ocean, CWS, DFO, NL, Parks, PE, QC, TJFB
Freshwater fishes Atlantic Sturgeon (Maritimes populations) Acipenser oxyrinchus Threatened May 2011 Initial report in preparation (Fully Updated Report) Atlantic Ocean, CWS, DFO, NB, NS, Parks
Lichens Peacock Vinyl Lichen Scytinium polycarpum Special Concern May 2011 Revision to final report (Status Appraisal Summary) BC, CMN, CWS, Parks
Marine fishes American Plaice (Arctic population) Hippoglossoides platessoides Data Deficient April 2009 Revision to initial report (Fully Updated Report) Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, CWS, DFO, HFTCC, NMRWB, NU, NWMB, Parks, QC
Marine fishes American Plaice (Newfoundland and Labrador population) Hippoglossoides platessoides Threatened April 2009 Revision to initial report (Fully Updated Report) Atlantic Ocean, CWS, DFO, NL, Parks, TJFB
Marine fishes American Plaice (Maritime population) Hippoglossoides platessoides Threatened April 2009 Revision to initial report (Fully Updated Report) Atlantic Ocean, CWS, DFO, NB, NL, NS, NWMB, Parks, PE, QC, TJFB
Marine fishes Bluntnose Sixgill Shark Hexanchus griseus Special Concern April 2007 Initial report in preparation (Fully Updated Report) BC, CMN, CWS, DFO, MNJFC, NJFMC, Parks, Pacific Ocean, TAJFC, TWJFC
Marine fishes Longspine Thornyhead Sebastolobus altivelis Special Concern April 2007 Initial report in preparation (Supporting information (no report)) BC, CWS, DFO, Parks, Pacific Ocean
Vascular plants Broad Beech Fern Phegopteris hexagonoptera Special Concern April 1983 Revision to final report (Supporting information (no report)) CWS, ON, Parks, QC
Vascular plants Gaspé Bay Saxifrage Micranthes gaspensis Not applicable Revision to initial report (Supporting information (no report)) CWS, Parks, QC
Vascular plants Green Dragon Arisaema dracontium Special Concern April 1984 Revision to initial report (Supporting information (no report)) CWS, ON, Parks, QC
Vascular plants Shumard Oak Quercus shumardii Special Concern April 1999 Revision to final report (Supporting information (no report)) CWS, ON, Parks

Date not determined (9) wildlife species

Amphibians Northern Leopard Frog (Western Boreal/Prairie populations) Lithobates pipiens Special Concern April 2009 Revision to final report (Status Appraisal Summary) AB, CMN, CWS, MB, NT, Parks, SK
Amphibians Western Chorus Frog Pseudacris triseriata Non active April 2008 Initial report in preparation (Fully Updated Report) CWS, ON, Parks, QC
Amphibians Western Chorus Frog (Great Lakes / St. Lawrence - Canadian Shield) Pseudacris triseriata Threatened April 2008 Revision to initial report (Supporting information (no report)) CWS, ON, Parks, QC
Amphibians Western Chorus Frog (Carolinian population) Pseudacris triseriata Not at Risk April 2008 Revision to initial report (Supporting information (no report)) CWS, ON, Parks
Arthropods Giant Lacewing Polystoechotes punctata Not applicable Revision to initial report (New Report) AB, BC, CMN, CWS, ON, Parks, QC, SK
Freshwater fishes Silver Shiner Notropis photogenis Threatened May 2011 Initial report in preparation (Status Appraisal Summary) CWS, DFO, ON, Parks
Molluscs Fawnsfoot Truncilla donaciformis Endangered April 2008 Revision to initial report (Status Appraisal Summary) CMN, CWS, DFO, ON, Parks
Terrestrial mammals Eastern Mole Scalopus aquaticus Special Concern November 2010 Initial report in preparation (Rapid Review of Classification) CWS, ON, Parks
Terrestrial mammals Woodland Vole Microtus pinetorum Special Concern November 2010 Initial report in preparation (Rapid Review of Classification) CWS, ON, Parks, QC

(1) Initialisms for Wildlife Management Boards (WMBs)

  • ARRC : Alsek Renewable Resources Council
  • CTRRC : Carcross / Tagish Renewable Resources Council
  • CRRC : Carmacks Renewable Resources Council
  • DKRRC : Dän Keyi Renewable Resources Council
  • DDRRC : Dawson District Renewable Resources Council
  • EMRWB : Eeyou Marine Region Wildlife Board
  • FJMC : Fisheries Joint Management Committee
  • GRRB : Gwich'in Renewable Resources Board
  • HFTCC : Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Coordinating Committee
  • IGC : Inuvialuit Game Council
  • LRRC : Laberge Renewable Resources Council
  • MNJFC : Maa-Nulth Joint Fisheries Committee
  • MDRRC : Mayo District Renewable Resources Council
  • NJFMC: Nisga'a Joint Fisheries Management Committee
  • NWC: Nisga'a Wildlife Committee
  • NYRRC : North Yukon Renewable Resources Council
  • NMRWB : Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board
  • NWMB : Nunavut Wildlife Management Board
  • PCMB : Porcupine Caribou Management Board
  • SRRB : Sahtu Renewable Resources Board
  • SRRC : Selkirk Renewable Resources Council
  • TRRC : Teslin Renewable Resources Council
  • TAJFC : Tla'amin Joint Fisheries Committee
  • TJFB : Torngat Joint Fisheries Board
  • TWPCB : Torngat Wildlife and Plants Co-Management Board
  • TWJFC : Tsawwassen Joint Fisheries Committee
  • WRRB : Wek'eezhii Renewable Resources Board
  • WMAC-NS : Wildlife Management Advisory Council: North Slope
  • WMAC-NWT : Wildlife Management Advisory Council: Northwest Territories
  • YFWMB : Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board
  • YSSC : Yukon Salmon Sub-Committee

(2) To obtain more information about reports that are no longer in production, please contact the COSEWIC secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About us

The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) is an independent advisory panel to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada that meets twice a year to assess the status of wildlife species at risk of extinction. Members are wildlife biology experts from academia, government, non-governmental organizations and the private sector responsible for designating wildlife species in danger of disappearing from Canada.

COSEWIC secretariat

Canadian Wildlife Service
Environment and Climate Change Canada
351 St. Joseph Blvd, 14th floor
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3


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