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Wildlife species are sorted according to current status and then by taxonomic group. Previous status is shown when applicable.
Status November 2019 | Taxonomic group | Common name (population) | Previous status and date of previous assessment | Range of occurrence in Canada |
Extinct | Fishes | Striped Bass (St. Lawrence River population) | Endangered November 2012 | QC |
Endangered | Mammals | Western Harvest Mouse dychei subspecies | Endangered April 2007 | AB |
Endangered | Mammals | Western Harvest Mouse megalotis subspecies | Special Concern April 2007 | BC |
Endangered | Birds | Chestnut-collared Longspur | Threatened November 2009 | AB, SK, MB |
Endangered | Fishes | Coastrange Sculpin (Cultus Lake population) | Threatened April 2010 | BC |
Endangered | Arthropods | Reversed Haploa Moth | Not applicable | ON |
Endangered | Molluscs | Shagreen | Not applicable | ON |
Endangered | Molluscs | Toothed Globe | Not applicable | ON |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Gillman's Goldenrod | Not applicable | ON |
Endangered | Mosses | Slender Yoke-moss | Not applicable | BC |
Threatened | Amphibians | Great Basin Spadefoot | Threatened April 2007 | BC |
Threatened | Fishes | Rocky Mountain Sculpin (Saskatchewan - Nelson River populations) | Not applicable | AB |
Threatened | Fishes | Rocky Mountain Sculpin (Missouri River populations) | Not applicable | AB |
Threatened | Arthropods | Suckley’s Cuckoo Bumble Bee | Not applicable | YT, NT, BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PE, NS, NL |
Threatened | Molluscs | Carolina Mantleslug | Not applicable | ON |
Special Concern | Mammals | Ringed Seal | Not at Risk April 1989 | YT, NT, NU, MB, ON, QC, NB, PE, NS, NL, Pacific Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean |
Special Concern | Reptiles | Plains Hog-nosed Snake | Not applicable | AB, SK, MB |
Special Concern | Fishes | Columbia Sculpin | Special Concern November 2010 | BC |
Special Concern | Fishes | Rocky Mountain Sculpin (Pacific populations) | Special Concern April 2010 | BC |
Special Concern | Arthropods | Manitoba Oakworm Moth | Not applicable | MB |
Special Concern | Vascular Plants | Puvirnituq Mountain Draba | Not applicable | QC |
Meeting date: November 29, 2019