COSEWIC wildlife species assessments (short version), May 2022

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Wildlife species are sorted according to current status and then by taxonomic group. Previous status is shown when applicable1.

Status May 2022 Taxonomic group Common name (population) Previous status and date of previous assessment Range of occurrence in Canada
Extinct Mammals Grey Whale (Atlantic population) Extirpated November 2009 Atlantic Ocean
Endangered Arthropods Vancouver Island Shieldback Not applicable BC
Endangered Vascular Plants Meadow Thistle (Rocky Mountain population) Not applicable BC, AB
Endangered Vascular Plants Meadow Thistle (Mingan population) Not applicable QC
Endangered Vascular Plants Pumpkin Ash Not applicable ON
Threatened Fishes Eastern Sand Darter (West Lake population) Not applicable ON
Threatened Fishes Eastern Sand Darter (Southwestern Ontario population) Not applicable ON
Threatened Arthropods Dusky Dune Moth Endangered November 2007 AB, SK, MB
Threatened Arthropods Northern Oak Hairstreak Not applicable ON
Special Concern Mammals American Marten (Newfoundland population) Threatened April 2007 NL
Special Concern Mammals Harbour Porpoise (Northwest Atlantic population) Special Concern April 2006 NU, QC, NB, PE, NS, NL, Atlantic Ocean
Special Concern Mammals Sea Otter Special Concern April 2007 BC, Pacific Ocean
Special Concern Birds Bobolink Threatened April 2010 BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, PE, NS, NL
Special Concern Fishes Brassy Minnow (Pacific population) Not applicable BC
Special Concern Fishes Brassy Minnow (Western Arctic population) Not applicable BC, AB
Special Concern Fishes Brassy Minnow (Missouri population) Not applicable AB, SK
Special Concern Fishes Eastern Sand Darter (Quebec population) Threatened November 2009 QC
Special Concern Arthropods Johnson’s Hairstreak Not applicable BC
Special Concern Arthropods Dukes' Skipper Not applicable ON
Special Concern Arthropods Skillet Clubtail Endangered November 2010 ON, QC, NB, NS
Special Concern Molluscs Threaded Vertigo Special Concern April 2010 BC
Special Concern Vascular Plants Dense Draba Not applicable QC, NL
Special Concern Vascular Plants Eastern False Rue-anemone Threatened May 2005 ON
Special Concern Vascular Plants Victorin's Gentian Threatened May 2004 QC
Special Concern Vascular Plants Victorin's Water-hemlock Special Concern May 2004 QC
Not at Risk Lichens Seaside Bone Lichen Threatened April 2008 BC

(1) The reports on Plains and Cordilleran Suckers (Pantosteus jordani and Pantosteus bondi) and Great Blue Heron fannini subspecies (Ardea herodias fannini) were withdrawn to allow further consideration of the Designatable Unit structure.
Meeting date: May 11, 2022

About us

The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) is an independent advisory panel to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada that meets twice a year to assess the status of wildlife species at risk of extinction. Members are wildlife biology experts from academia, government, non-governmental organizations and the private sector responsible for designating wildlife species in danger of disappearing from Canada.

COSEWIC secretariat

Canadian Wildlife Service
Environment and Climate Change Canada
351 St. Joseph Blvd, 14th floor
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3


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