Status Report

A status report is a comprehensive technical document that compiles and analyzes the best available information on a wildlife species' status in Canada.

Wildlife species assessment

List of wildlife species, upcoming assessments, most recent assessment results.

News and events

Calls for expression of interest, calls for bids, upcoming meetings, press releases, response to referrals.

Aboriginal traditional knowledge: ethics review resources

Appendix 3: Examples of ethics review resources

  • Guidelines for Scientific Activities in Northern Canada, DIAND, 1976
  • Ethical Principles for the conduct of research in the North, 1982
  • Dene Nation: participatory research process for Dene/Metis communities, 1993
  • ITK background paper on negotiating research relationships, 1994
  • Kahnawake Code of Research Ethics, 1997
  • James Bay Cree Board of H&SS, code of research ethics, 2001
  • Tri-Council Policy Statement (MRC, NSERC and SSHRC 1998)
  • Ethical Principles for the Conduct of Research in the North (ACUNS 1998)

About us

The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) is an independent advisory panel to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada that meets twice a year to assess the status of wildlife species at risk of extinction. Members are wildlife biology experts from academia, government, non-governmental organizations and the private sector responsible for designating wildlife species in danger of disappearing from Canada.

COSEWIC secretariat

Canadian Wildlife Service
Environment and Climate Change Canada
351 St. Joseph Blvd, 14th floor
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3


Social Media