Appendix 2: Examples of Aboriginal protocols resources
Alberta Traditional Knowledge Handbook
West Kitikmeot/Slave Study (WKSS)
A set of guidelines for researching Aboriginal Knowledge was developed by the study for these projects: Tuktu & Nogak Project, Caribou Migration and the State of their Habitat, The Habitat of Dogrib Traditional Territory: Place names as Indicators of Biogeographical Knowledge and TK Study on Community Health.
The Convention on Biological Diversity - source for multiple documents on guidelines and protocol development
Government of Northwest Territories (GNWT) Traditional Knowledge policy
Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute (GSCI) - Gwich'in Traditional Knowledge Policy and Research Guidelines and a Research Agreement Framework
Building Relations with First Nations: A Handbook for Local Governments – by the Union of BC Municipalities and the Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (PDF)
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (PDF)
Mackenzie Valley Impact Review Board (PDF)
Gwich'in Environmental Knowledge Project
The Inuit Bowhead Knowledge Study - by Nunavut Wildlife Management Board
Links to international sites for policy development (see Australia and New Zealand, etc.) – by the Panel on Research Ethics
Mi’kmaw Research Principles & Protocols – by the Mi'kmaq College Institute of Cape Breton University
Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment, (1996) . Protocol For Review of Environmental and Scientific Research Proposals
Protocols and Principles for Conducting Research in an Indigenous Context. University of Victoria, Faculty of Human and Social Development
Emery, A.R., 2000. Guidelines: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge in Project Planning and Implementation. Prepared by KIVU Inc. for the World Bank and the Canadian International Development Agency.
Management of Social Transformation Programme and Centre for International Research and Advisory Networks Best Practices on Indigenous Knowledge.
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Industry Canada Intellectual Property and Aboriginal People: A Working Paper. (PDF)
Hansen, S.A. and J.W. Van Fleet, 2003. Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property: A Handbook on Issues and Options for Traditional Knowledge Holders in Protecting their Intellectual Property and Maintaining Biological Diversity. Prepared for the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Marles, R. J., C. Clavelle, L. Monteleone, N. Tays and D. Burns. 2000. Aboriginal Plant Use in Canada’s Northwest Boreal Forest. Natural Resources Canada. 368 pp.
Note: This is a book that summarizes the uses of plants in the Northwest; it is useful because it provides a detailed introduction on the collection of ATK (in the broader sense) from Aboriginal Groups and demonstrates one way to handle “verifiability” of the individuals that communicated the information.
BC Metis Assembly of Natural Resources. 2009. Metis Nation British Columbia Consultation Guidebook. (PDF)
Assembly of First Nations. 2007. OCAP - Ownership, Control, Access and Possession, First Nations Inherent Right to Govern First Nations data (PDF)
Assembly of First Nations. 2009. Environmental Stewardship Unit. Ethics in First Nations Research. (PDF)